Youth and Family Community Connections (YFCC)
YFCC serves as a single-point entry assessment center for youth and families who need support services, but lack resources. Youth can be referred to YFCC through law enforcement, schools, and other youth-serving organizations in the community, as well as self-referred. Once referred, screening assessments are completed to determine the types of referrals that should be made for further services and support. Some examples of these connections and support would be social service referrals, coordinated entry into services, and system navigators to help youth and families access the services they need. YFCC exists in the Youth Services Center building, which still houses the intervention services that currently exist, such as secure detention, shelter, and day treatment programming. Staff can meet with youth and families at various locations in the community. Youth and Family Community Connections wants to ensure that we are meeting the needs of the community and collaborating with all youth servicing entities.
When a youth and/or family is referred to YFCC, they are contacted by YFCC staff and if they are agreeable, a meeting is scheduled with YFCC staff and the youth/family. YFCC staff conduct screening assessments in the following areas to determine what further referrals should be made for the youth:
Basic Life Needs
Substance Abuse
Suicide Screening
Referrals will be made for services and support based on the outcomes of the screening assessments. YFCC staff will follow up with the youth/family to ensure that they can access services and assist with the removal of barriers as needed.