
Nobody should face a mental health issue alone. Your contribution supports pilot strategies and resources that improve the lives of struggling families and youth in Bartholomew County.

  • Contributions to the Mental Health Matters Fund will help support the Healthy Communities Initiative effort to address mental health challenges in our community.

    Donate here

  • Give Bartholomew County kids a brighter future.

    Your contribution to BCSC for the Mental Health Matters of Bartholomew County initiative helps us: promote mental health awareness within our schools, break the stigma about mental health conditions and treatment, cover costs for staff training in mental health and trauma-informed care, supplement mental health services for our students, and make mindfulness tools available in our classrooms

    Donate here

    Donations can also be made by writing a check to BCSF (Bartholomew Consolidated School Foundation).

    Checks can be dropped off at the BCSC School Administration building or mailed to Nicole Cunningham, BCSF, 1200 Central Ave., Columbus, IN 47201

    1% of each donation will be paid to BCSF to cover costs incurred by the organization.

    BCSF is a qualified 501(c)(3) public charity and donations are deductible.

  • Centerstone is excited to be part of the Mental Health Matters Initiative Bartholomew County. Donations will be used to support our efforts to improve access to care, better equip family members navigating the mental health system, and decrease stigma and its impact on those we serve. Donate here and note Mental Health Matters Initiative Bartholomew County in the Special Designation field.

    Donate here

  • Help save a life in your community.

    Family Service, Inc. helps struggling community members in Bartholomew County gain access to life-saving mental health care through scholarships and free treatment sessions. Your contribution helps ensure that finances are not a barrier to wellness, strengthening family functioning in our community - and it might just save a life.

    Donate here

    Family Service, Inc. is a not-for-profit agency that focuses on Community Wellness and has been providing mental health services to our community since 1968.

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